Sunday, May 27

I'm gonna miss this...kind of.

So much of this years "lasts" are over. I was trying to think of a list of them, but the one that is at the forefront of my mind is ball. First and last Senior Ball is over. I hadn't been anticipating it that much this year. Yes, I was excited...but nothing in comparison to last year's feelings. And then I had the most amazing time with the most amazing friends and it made me think a lot. I don't know what it was about ball, but I think it got everyone thinking, "this is one of our last events where all of us are in one place having a lot of fun together." No matter what you do, it gets you down a little bit.
Excerpt from Rachel's blog:
"Senior year is so weird. For the fall and winter, it's dark and cold out, and you're sitting and waiting to hear from colleges. Everything feels slow and all you want to do is getting moving and get out. And then spring comes, and you choose a school, and APs start picking up, and everything just starts to go so fast. It's like you're waiting for the plane to take off and you discover that you're actually attached to a rocket. Now I'm just hanging on by my fingernails, hoping I can survive all of the changes that are suddenly very close, and very real."
That is exactly along the lines of how I'm feeling right now.
I've begun to realize this is the end of this stage in my life and we're all moving on. We're growing up. That's hard, but how can we let it hold us back? Some people choose to revel in the high school years and esteem as some kind of "glory days", but why? You choose the way you live your life. Take a chance, move on. Live for each day and face it as a new beginning, a fresh start, new adventures (I think my subtitle says something like that =]). I wish we could all live life like that. Imagine how excited we would be to wake up in the morning. How happy it would make us. Anyway, life is getting crazy. I don't think it's going to stop getting crazy either. And it's sad, yet thrilling all at once. Get ready to see me flail...

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