You'll see plenty more of this picture I'm sure. It doesn't look as impressive as it truly is in this picture, but this is the huge staircase in citadel that leads up to an old Orthodox church and a German Scoala (School). Someday I'll get a good one of this.

The view from my favorite place in our apartment, the window. I like to sit on the window sill and look out over the city, and it faces the West which is great for two reasons: 1. We see the sun set every night and each day it seems to be more colorful and beautiful than the last. 2. When I sit in the window and look out, I pray for everyone back home, because I'm facing them! =]

I don't really know what this is supposed to be. Obviously it's a globe and I think it used to be a fountain, but it isn't anymore. The old Orthodox church is the one in the background (but don't mistake this Orthodox Church for the one at the top of the hill. =] )
I don't know if anyone can follow what I'm talking about, because it's easy to be egocentric and forget details, but I hope you like the pictures all the same!
Hi Mel - We missed you yesterday at Rachel's grad party, but got to see your parents for a little bit. So glad you arrived safely and your adventure is beginning. We will continue to keep you and your team in our prayers.
My best advice to my kids when things get tough is "Have a snack, take a shower and if that doesn't work take a nap." Life is easier on a full stomach, smelling good and well rested. And if you are ever too tired to pray know that many good people have your back and sometimes it is okay just to rest in the prayers of others.
Looking forward to more posts and pix. Blessings!
Thanks "rachel's mom"! Haha.
I wish I could have been there probably just as much as you missed me (maybe more).
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. And thanks for the advice too!
Love you!
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