Karen and I participated in elderly club on Thursday and Friday. We made cards with them and it was a lot of fun. They loved it and one of the groups actually asked us if we would do a "photo shoot" with them next time. That will be a lot of fun. I guess I wasn't expecting 70-something-year-old Romanian ladies to have that much personality. But man, they have enough personality to float a boat. They were adorable. I'm really looking forward to participating in that more often this year!

This week Karen and I led worship together at church. It was great. Karen has been playing piano each week, but just these past 2 weeks, I got to sing. =] Maurice regularly helps with scripture reading. I am really starting to feel at home at that church. I thought it would be difficult going from a church family so big to one so small, but it turns out God knows what he is doing. I really enjoy being able to see people and know who they are and ask them how they are...I can pretty much ask everyone in the church! And I've realized that I still have my family back in the states too, they aren't going anywhere and are showing amazing support. (THANKS!)

Next week Nolan and Liam begin school at a local private kindergarten. They’ll be in the same class along with two other English boys their age (Gabriel and Sebastian…Bethany and Mihai’s son), so be praying for them as they have to relearn how to live here and will be undergoing a lot of mental stress. It’s an English school, but the majority of the children are Romanian and therefore, speak Romanian.
This week, I will be going out to Tsigmadru and working with the teens in that town. I'm really excited about that and I'm hoping to be very involved in the programs with them. It's really a big answer to prayer. Hans and Nelutzu need a lady around and I'm here...and I've been wanting to work with youth out in Tsigmadru. Anyway, please be praying for that! That all goes well and I learn to work with them in a healthy way.
And that my friends, "is all I've got to say about that." =]