So here's what I've learned so far from living with two younger "brothers" :
-There are unpredictable substances everywhere. Hence I sat in silly puddy and had a puddy tail this week.
-Bodily functions are loud and proud.
-Anything I'm doing is worth investigating.
-There is no correct position for the toilet seat.
-Noise at any time is a good thing: growling, yelling, stomping, tractor engines
-Hands in the pants is A-okay in their heads.
-The Princess Bride is NOT the best movie ever because of the story. It's ALL about the sword fighting.
So yeah, life here is a daily adventure. I spent one day this week out in Tsigmadru working in the church to do some organizing (scary, huh...me organizing!). Roberta asked me to work on building shelves out there. When I went to see what the job would entail this is what I encountered:

Today, Maurice and I went out to Tsigmadru and ended up not doing any construction. We brought the team out there lunch, talked with Hans a little, and then decided to get further supplies for the other construction workers. So we came back to Sighisoara to the hardware store and attempted to buy paint with no luck, they were out. We're not too upset about it though, because that's the kind of stuff Roberta (the other missionary here) does all the time. And if we can do it to be of any help and relieve her (although, she's back in the states on vacation right now =] )...then it's well worth our while.
Anyway, Karen and I just got back from meeting with a couple of people about starting a ministry in "downtown" Sighisoara. It went well, we think. Our next step is to talk to the director of the school in the area in order to try and get use of the facilities. We are hoping that goes smoothly. Please pray for us as we continue to pursue starting ministries here. Thank you so much for your support!
Pe curand! (See you later!)
I am so glad to have your blog address. It is now bookmarked and we will be checking it often! You are in our prayers daily.
Kathryn Martin
I was laughing out loud as I read this... I forgot that you weren't around when Mike and Aaron were in their boys will be boys stage!
Looks like you did a ton of work sorting through all those shelving units. Am excited to hear what happens in the apartments in Sighisoara!
Love you lots. Mom
Hi Mel,
I love your blog! Lia and Lin say hello (and are very jealous of the time you are spending with the "boys"). They watched your tour of the apartment and were amazed that you did that on YouTube. Lia kept talking to you and wondering why you didn't answer her -- typical Lia... It is wonderful that you can be so connected via cell phone, blog, email etc. You are in our thougths and prayers. We love you and miss you.
The Dickinson family
Mrs.Martin- Thanks so much for your prayers and I'm happy that you're enjoying the blog. =]
Mom- Yeah, me being the baby...I was spoiled with not having younger siblings "in my hair" so to speak. But, I'm learning. And hopefully successfully. =]
I was happy to be out in Tsigmadru. I think I may ask Hans if there's any way I can help with the kids programs out there...because I love it and that may be God telling me something. I don't know yet. =]
I LOVE YOU! And miss you. I hope we can talk again relatively soon.
I am so excited that you have my blog to see! You can tell Lin and Lia that I am missing them lots and the boys are quite the handful. I wish that I could have spent the summer with them again! Anyway, I love you too and it's wonderful to hear from you. Thanks so much for your prayers.
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