*Discovering there is a cat living under our house...the only entrance to "under our house" is under my bed. Leaving it tuna last night and hearing it eat it in the middle of the night.
*A big storm on Wednesday that brought some very cool weather.
*Building my first successful tower of cards ever!
*Sleeping in yesterday...9:30AM Woooohoo.
*My first language lesson with the American students studying abroad (I knew everything already!)
*Meeting Annie (the nurse) and spending the afternoon with her in Tsigmadru, helping tend to patients in the doctor's clinic
*Learning how to take blood pressure and what the numbers mean. (WOOT!) Annie, the nurse. =]
Me and some patients. The baby has a umbilical hernia (I now know what that looks like!) and the little boy has a huge burn on his foot that was infected.
*Dancing with the little Romanian girls in the street to some very techno-esque Romanian music (malene).
*Playing "special rules" UNO with the teens last night. They said all the rules in Romanian. Needless to say, I was lost. I was the last one to "go out" (AKA: the loser) and so I was punished with running around the church 5 times.
*The drive home with Nelutu and him turning up his Romanian music after we had both declared "Suntem obosit", or "We are tired."
I've had a very busy week, but it's been a lot of fun too. It's good to have the boys in school and begin to have a more regular schedule to live by. I'm loving it! =]
I still inhale deeply when I walk outside, take a look around, and sometimes pinch myself. It's all real, I live in Romania! Holla back to God for that. =] Haha.
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