I had heard most of what was taught before, but God has a way of making you see things through new eyes. A lot of the conference was about prayer. Some of it was way over my head, but I could also absorb some of what Europe's most faithful missionaries had to say and teach us. It was comforting to be reminded that prayer is a constant learning process (along with life in general, right?) and that even the disciples had to ask Jesus, "teach us how to pray". It was awesome to see that although we were people from all different places, different languages, different cultures, different ages (15 countries and 13 languages)...we could relate to one another through Christ! One major point that Jerry Coleman made throughout the weekend is that the kingdom of God is not just at hand, it's here. We should strive to live in the kingdom and bring kingdom aspects here on earth. That was a really interesting concept and I'm still contemplating what that means to me. But again, it made me realize that the people there are my brothers and sisters! It was really good to get to meet and talk with people who know me (and I kinda knew them), but I'd never met face-to-face. Prime example: Lynette and Josef Sykora (and baby Simon!). They are wonderful people. And I had the opportunity to spend quality time with Lydia and Stephen Dunn, which was really good.

Nolan and Liam had a lot of fun too. One of their favorite things was the elevator. Another was having their own room and building "forts" in it. =] They handle the 10 hour car ride there really well. Once there, they won the hearts of many of Europe's FM missionaries. Often we'd find them with candy in their mouth and ask "hey where'd that come from?", only to look up and watch a sneaky smile pass over their face. They also took it upon themselves to be "waterboys" at the first evening meal. It was pretty hilarious to watch unexpectant people approach the watercooler with the intent of a simple glass of water and leave with smiles on their faces after engaging in a conversation with Nolan or Liam as the boys filled their glass.

So the trip was all-around great. It was definitely refreshing and rejuvenating. It really got me pumped up and excited about all of our ministries again. It made the briefness of a year come to mind again, but encouraged me in that. Since I know that this is what God has called me to, I can trust that he will do the work in and through the Hopkins and I that he intends to do.
The conference really challenged me to live for the Lord in a way that I have neglected to do, even though I am trying to listen to his call by living here in Romania. It unveiled several truths about myself that I had chosen to ignore and called me to reach deeper, listen longer, and live richer. I have taken another step in discovering and defining my relationship with God. I've left a part of myself behind this past weekend and I know that God will continue to guide the reconstruction. It's exhilirating and at the same time, a little scary. But I stand in the face of change, with God's hand in mine, and say "bring it on."
Here is a set of verses given to us upon departure that really served as great encouragement:
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Hebrews 12:1-3
Thank you for your prayers and support!
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