Friday, December 21


Well, I just wanted to state that I finally, finally sent in my college application. After weeks of procrastination, denial, and is on it's way over the invisible lines and fences we like to call the internet. I feel like running around yelling "GOOOAL" like the europeans like to do during "futbol" games. There are plenty of things that I learned about myself in this process, but none I feel like detailing for the world to see. I'm just glad it's over.
Now let the financial-aid applications begin. =P
Life is a whole lot of paperwork.


rachel said...

Tell me about it. I just paid off my second semester, and this morning I got an e-mail to start my FAFSA for next year. It never ends.

Fibo said...

NICE Blog :)

MERRY Christmas :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel,
This is Justin. I don't know if you remember me. But grandma just showed me your blog profile. This is pretty cool. I went to Rome in 2005, and I recognized some of your pictures. They're pretty cool. Do you have facebook? I've some pictures on there. If you can get to it. So, anyway I'll talk to you soon. Miss ya!

Justin Schuring

Marilyn said...

Keep up the good work. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Walls Down Church Kids said...

Thanks for reminding me of all the college paperwork... arghhhhh ;)

I just got your site address from your mom at Northgate. Am enjoying reading through your posts. Such a cool journey...

Stop on by at