Wednesday, January 9

Un-met Intentions

I've been meaning to post for a while now. There's plenty I could say, but it seems no time to say it. And the trend continues today. I came directly from elderly club to here (House on the Rock) and sent out a couple important emails. Now I've got to run home and clarify that I am picking up the boys from school. Most likely in less than 20 minutes I'll head off to do just that. And somewhere in there I should try to attempt at some sort of lunch. Which very well could be (one of my favorites) a hacked off chunk of cabbage. Mmm mm. And toast with zacusca. But as you can see, even today, I have no time for a significant update. Don't give up on me though, I'll get one to you as soon as I can manage a window in time.
Thanks for sticking with me!

PS: Does my title even make sense? Haha. Ah well, you get the point.


rachel said...

Hahaha. Feel good, getting back into the daily grind? I can tell you I am NOT looking forward to it. College makes you soft.

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