Wednesday, April 16

Weary for will do!

So Spring has finally, finally sprung and the trees are looking beautiful. In fact, the whole town is looking beautiful. The past couple of days have been rainy, but I have not a care in the world if it means more GREEN! Which it does, of course. So here's a few from "around town":

Meet Tommi. The cat who lies outside of my door every morning and greets me every night when I come in. I never thought I'd say I like a cat, but Tommi, I like.
Man selling seeds at the market. He was stunned that I asked to take his picture and then confused what to do when I pulled out the camera and he realized I really was taking a picture. He was a nice man though, and I thought his little seed chamber thing was cool.

These are pictures from the Ukraine:
This is the Mom's and their disabled kids' club. These are only a few of the members against the back wall of the room. They were the ones who really cheered me on when I had to particpate in a game up front. =]
The little lady in the middle is the one who insisted I take a dress home with me from her wardrobe. She was so joyful and beautiful, being with her was a blessing. My good friend Maggie is on her left.
This is a little boy I picked up at the Home for the Disabled. He was 9 years old and unusually quiet. But when I made faces and laughed he let out a giggle, too. He was precious.
One night Liam and I had a date at the pizza place Quattro Amici. He loved it. We played tick-tack-toe and ate plenty of pizza. Later he came over to my place and we goofed around a little before his brother joined us after a long day's journey to Bucharest (to pick up "Miss Debbie").

(He insisted that Pup-pup be in the picture.)
Nolan and Liam being their goofy selves on a swing in the "park". "Park" consists of a set of swings that has 2 out of four functioning places.
Csilla and I after our hike up a huge hill.
Yep, Deb's in town! And it has been a blessing having her around. She comes to elderly club every day! She has already preached on Sunday and done a little devotional for the elderly. She will lead Friday morning devotions for the Veritas staff, too. Continue to pray for her as she experiences Romania! This picture was taken after a hike up in the hills. We ran into a shepherd and his flock of goats and he let us hold a baby. =] It feel asleep on Deb, just like a puppy would. Cute! The experience rekindled my desire to have a pet goat. Wouldn't it be sweet?
Here is "the gorgeous Gorge!" (said "theee GORGEOUS gorge", of course):

And a little note to those of you hoping to hear more about the Ukraine. I am in the middle of writing a little summary-type thing that I will post elsewhere and link to this blog. I don't want you to feel swamped with reading and life is still moving fast with lots of other things to post about, but I do have plenty more to say about Ukraine. So click if you choose, once I've finished and posted the link.
Thanks to all who continue to read, pray, support, even just think about us over here in Romania, as we continue our journey through this year.

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