Saturday, May 10

Oh Life.

What I’ve been up to:

*Went to Tsigmadru over a week ago for “carnival” with the kids. They all dressed up in costumes and brought snacks. We scored costumes, handed out prizes, and played several games. About 7 of the teens came to help out with that before Nelutu brought the teen group out to Bezid (I think that’s the name of it anyway). It was once again one of those things I knew nothing about before seeing and experiencing it. This time “it” being a beautiful lake. Nelutu had bought all the makings of a Romanian gratar (cook-out) including mici (said “meech”…it‘s a type of Romanian sausage that is a mixture of meats), pork, bread, mustard, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, and juice. We hauled it all to the gorgeous lakeside and enjoyed an afternoon of eating and relaxing under the sun.

*Two Fridays ago now, I went out with “the ladies” (Dorothy, Roberta, Morag, and Magda B.). We took a leisurely drive a few hours out of town to see several things including a craft fair, a “volcanic” lake, and a bog. The drive itself was breathtaking, the rolling hills, mountains, and huge pastures of Romanian countryside coming in and out of scene along the way. We had a great time together just being away for a day. One of my favorite things to do on trips is to allow time to “go the long way” and lollygag, taking time to look for something distinctive (but not really caring if you actually find it). We stopped in several small towns simply to observe the little things. Things like a unique fortified church and overpriced (but really nice) guesthouses. At one point we pulled the car over in a place that had a view and cowbells in the background (who doesn’t need more cow bell?) and pulled out a picnic. Again, it was just an all around beautiful and fun day.

*Last Saturday I went on a hike with David and Sandor. We saw a lake and then hiked up behind it to one of the highest spots in Sighisoara with an incredible view. I had forgotten how beautiful it is from up there and it was fun to re-experience that with two of the funniest guys I know. David is the Hungarian-Romanian guy I work with in Elderly Club and Sandor is a guy from Germany, who is actually Hungarian too, and came to Sighisoara for the month of April to do some work for school.

*Nolan’s birthday was also last Saturday and he turned seven! I went up to visit him in the afternoon and enjoyed cake and presents with the family.

*This past week I got sick on Tuesday and haven’t been 100% since. The worst of it was the first day though and even then I kept telling myself “I can manage being sick one day out of an entire year,” so it really wasn’t too bad. Again, I’m just blessed that it’s only been once this the whole year.

Other than that, it’s been a fairly normal week. I’ve just continued to be blessed by my friends and have really been enjoying going to see them and just being in each other’s company.

I did miss mom and dad this week, what with being sick and all, but it’s the good kind of missing. The kind that just makes you grateful for how wonderful they are.

Today I think I’m going up to the Briete which is flatlands up in the hills of Sighisoara that have huge oak trees that make you feel real small. It’s our first attempt at walking there, so it will be an adventure. Hopefully the boys and Karen and I will find enough wood to build a fire big enough for some good ol’ marshmellow cooking. The boys have been waiting to do that for awhile now. =]

So, that’s life lately, I guess. I know it’s not much for 10 days worth, but I don’t have much more time to even write out what’s been on my mind. Another day, another post (as I always say…)

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