-Girls 10 and under, wear skimpy bikini bottoms with no top whatsoever.
-Some kids just go naked.
-Men wear banana hammocks.
-All women wear bikinis, regardless of size and age. And I got stared at because I wasn't.
-There were no lifegaurds and no restrictions, and no one would yell if you ran.
It's a rainy day today and I haven't done much except read. The advantage of the rain is that the temperature has dropped and we can walk anywhere without getting soaked in sweat. Also, the country simply needs rain. So I thank God for it.
I'm beginning to feel anxious about this coming year and ready to begin whatever we'll be doing. I know God has given us this time to adjust and just get used to living daily life here. And I bet that what I'm doing right now is just as important as what I'll be doing a month from now. So patience is what I really need. It will all happen in time. Please pray for patience on my behalf until God provides something for me to take part in. And thank you everyone so much for your prayers thus far, they truly make a difference. =]