On Saturday, Nolan, Liam, and I decided to take a day out in the town of Medias at an indoor pool there. We had planned on taking the train both ways, but the train was so late departing that Karen and Maurice graciously drove us. It seems like only seconds after walking in the door the boys were headed for the water. They were so excited. I was too. We hung out in the pool for the majority of the day, only taking a quick break for food. A friend from Veritas came to swim as well and it was great to have their company for the day. Needless to say, by the time we got on the train to come home...all three of us were tired to the max. Liam and I rested the whole way home and Nolan made up for his lack of food whilst swimming. We had a great day together.
Sunday I woke up super early to go to an Easter service with one of the students studying abroad here this semester (Katie). Dorothy had told us that there would be an Easter service at the church "on top of the hill", which means the church at the top of the "German staircase" here in the citadel. It's the highest point of the citadel. Taking advantage of one of the very few churches celebrating at the same time as our American counterparts, Katie and I met at 6:30 to make it there by 7. It was a beautiful, cool and crisp Spring morning. The sunrise painted the sky slightly pink and the birds were chirping. The service was really nice. Although it was all in German (only partly translated into Romanian and then Dorothy whispering English at us now and then), it was moving. We started down in "the crypt" of the church and it was all lit up by candlelight. Then we worked our way up into the sanctuary and stood in a circle around a handmade cross and sang together. After the service there was breakfast at the parish house and I thought to myself "this is exactly what Easter should be like." We all enjoyed a meal of hard boiled eggs dyed red, sweet bread, and hot drinks. The dyed red egg has significance, but I can't remember right now. By the time second Easter rolls around, I'm sure I'll know. It was a lot of fun just to enjoy fellowship with one another, celebrating the resurrection of Our Savior.
After attending the Nazarene service I headed home for a quiet and relaxing day. The family that I live above is Orthodox, so I knew that they wouldn't be celebrating yesterday and that was okay with me. I really enjoy the opportunities I get to be a part of "the Romanian experience" and I know that will come next month.
So Mama and I went for a walk together yesterday afternoon. We walked to the cemetary where she and Tata are going to be buried. I know it sounds a little morbid, but I've got to tell you...in general Romanians have a better handle on death than we do. That's a statement to save for it's own entry. Anyway, it was way up on the side of a hill. And it was beautiful. The weather was beautiful, too. I'm not trying to rub it in for those of you with snow, but the sun was magnificent. I could go outside in just my longsleeves!
This kind of weather always makes me a little antsy. I get this feeling in my bones like I should be doing something, especially outside. I start to wake up a whole lot earlier and go to bed a lot later too. These are transitioning times.
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