Thursday, April 3

Just the facts.

Some random facts in no particular order:
*I'm reading Mere Christianity and it's a great book. At first I had a hard time following him, but things are starting to piece together and the grand picture is a whole lot more clear.
*This weekend I was invited to go to the Ukraine with the students. So I am honored with the opportunity to see yet another new and exciting place in the world with almost no cost.
*I had a frustrating week last week for no particular reason, but the weather made up for it. It was absolutely gorgeous and sunny. This week I'm not having a particularly bad week, but the weather is gray and dismal. Which leaves me feeling groggy and disoriented, like someone woke me up at 3 in the morning and told me it was time to get ready for the day and then pushed me out the door.
*I'm applying for SUNY Geneseo even though their deadline for applications was January 1st and there is little-to-no chance of a.) getting in b.) recieving financial aid. But I am doing that whole scrambling "is this really what I want" thing before making a big decision. I can't decide what's better: going somewhere I know I will be comfortable and fit in, I know that the education is incredible and the opportunities for success are great OR going somewhere to try and figure out what I want to study because right now I'm real uncertain...and for a lot less money than the latter, and just about as equal a rigorous and reputable education.
The fact of the matter is that I may not have to choose because it would be rather miraculous if I made it into Geneseo. There is a peace about that whole situation though, I know God's guidance is behind it even when it feels like chaos to me.
*My parents are going to be here in 20 days. Actually I'm going to meet them in Budapest, Hungary and we'll stay there a couple of days before taking the night train together here. They'll be here for Orthodox Easter weekend, which also means my birthday!
*Everything is on the verge of being green and bursting forth color. I'm feeling caught in the suspension of Spring coming. The fluctuating weather is bringing me to a feeling of unease rivaled by wanting to take joy in the obvious potential there is behind it all. Through it all, there is the constant feeling of comfort in knowing it will come. There's no chance of it not coming. I'm just hungry for it. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my shoulders and smell the sweet scent of blooming trees and flowers. I want to see green (my favorite color) blanketing the hills and wavering in the trees. I'm waiting anxiously...

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